Dental Emergencies
There are some circumstances where it is important that you are seen by a dentist as soon as possible. Below is a list of dental emergencies that we will prioritise to ensure that you are seen promptly.
Facial Swelling - It is important that this is assessed and treated quickly, especially if it is spreading toward your eye or neck.
Dental Trauma - e.g. knocking a tooth out, falling off a bike and hitting face/teeth. Depending on the severity of the injuries A+E may be more appropriate initially.
Swelling/lumps on the gum or elsewhere in the mouth - These can often be signs of infection.
Dental pain that cannot be controlled with over the counter pain relief - e.g. continuous acute pain from a tooth that is not eased with paracetamol or ibuprofen.
We are aware that dental emergencies do not always fall into clear categories. If you have a concern about a potential dental emergency, then please contact the practice and we will be able to give advice on the most appropriate action. Call 01872 261999